Monday, March 25, 2013

Goodies from Sis

I recently bought the Mini Keurig because I am a coffee drinker and I have just been curious because I have been seeing a lot of K-cup flavors they offer. They just sound so yummy! :) So that's what made me buy the Mini Keurig.. plus I'm the only one in my household that drinks coffee so I figured the mini will be fine. I forgot to add it on the list of my favorite things last month. Oh well.. I still love it :)

Unfortunately, they don't sell a lot of the different flavors they have for the Keurig here. So I have to buy them online. Luckily, where my sister is stationed at, they sell more than what we have here. So she bought me a couple of flavors that she loves - Kahlua and Macadamia Cookie. Doesn't it sound good?

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